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FAB 5 Girls of Fall Sports

Congratulations to the standout scholar-athletes who’ve been named the FAB 5 Girls of Fall Sports, selected by our dedicated coaches! These incredible scholar-athletes have shown outstanding skill, teamwork, and dedication on and off the field.

Girls Varsity Volleyball
Fab Five Nominations From Coach Estrada:

Senior Olivia Morrison, our team captain, has been truly exemplary throughout the season with her leadership. Both on and off the court, she held herself to the highest standards, consistently modeling excellence for her teammates. Her ability to lead by example was a significant asset to our team. Whether it was through her vocal encouragement during games or her willingness to support and mentor the underclassmen, Olivia always put the team first. Her dedication to her role as captain and her unwavering commitment to the success of her teammates made her a natural leader. Olivia is not only a talented player, but she is also a role model for all who had the privilege of playing alongside her.

Sophomore Savannah Milner, our libero, is the embodiment of hard work and determination. She has an incredible work ethic and plays with unmatched intensity and energy. Savannah gave 100% every time she stepped on the court with her relentless hustle and commitment. Savannah’s effort, combined with her ability to inspire those around her, made her a key player and an invaluable member of the team. Her go-getter mentality and constant drive to improve are truly inspiring.

Girls Varsity Soccer
Fab Five Nomination From Coach Ayinde:

Ashley Canales Hernandez (TACHS – Uniondale) is an exceptional leader both on and off the field. Always willing to help teammates master new skills, she brings strong communication to every team strategy session. A powerful presence in midfield, Ashley consistently delivers precise long balls, excellent passes, and confidently drives the ball forward when needed. She serves as the crucial link between our defense and offense, making plays flow seamlessly from back to front. Academically, Ashley excels just as much, maintaining her grades throughout the season while balancing the demands of soccer and school with ease.

Girls Varsity Swimming
Fab Five Nominations From Coach Sands – Hendricks:

Briella Bettencourt – The Breakout Breaststroke Star
Briella Bettencourt entered the season with some uncertainty about her path in swimming. However, her commitment and resilience have been nothing short of inspiring. Briella attended every practice and meet with determination and a readiness to improve. She quickly earned the title of “Breakout Breaststroke Star,” becoming the only new addition to master the stroke without any disqualifications. Briella’s hard work and attention to detail have set an example for her teammates, proving that dedication and a positive attitude can lead to remarkable progress. Her journey from hesitation to mastery has made her a true leader and a role model on our team.

Angelina Diaz – The Sophomore Splash Specialist
Known as our “Sophomore Splash Specialist,” Angelina Diaz came into this season with a promise she made last year – and she has more than kept her word. Angelina has shown up fully committed to both her personal growth and her teammates’ success. Her enthusiasm, dedication, and steady encouragement have made her a beacon of positivity and motivation for the team. As the “Sophomore Splash Specialist,” she brings energy and expertise to every meet, inspiring others with her leadership and example. Her commitment and follow-through have truly made her an outstanding player and a role model for her peers.

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